Wayne Nebraska

The 42

There is a John Deere 4240 hooked to the unloading auger at our family farm right now. Its sole purpose for the season is to auger the harvested grain into the bins as trucks brimming with bright yellow corn and soybeans are unloaded. My young nephews can amp it up and get the auger running when the semi drives across the unloading dock, which saves their dad a few steps.  My own dad bought that tractor...

For the Graduates

Author's note: The following is an excerpt from an address that was given at the 2012 Spring Commencement for Graduate and Master's students at Wayne State College.  It was written the day my grandpa passed away in March 2012.  I felt it fitting for the high school and college classes of 2020 and 2021 as they prepare to graduate this weekend, especially considering the hardships they have faced...

The Freedom Trail

Last week, I was asked by a local citizen who is a part of the Voices for Vision Coalition (VVC) to support a measure to establish a task force and a name for the approximately six miles of trail system that wind through and around the City of Wayne.  Upon reading the letter accompanying the request, my initial response was to simply not sign the petition for the naming of the trail.  Not being one to...

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